Back Pain

Innovative minimally invasive percutaneous spine surgery developed by Dr. Burgos

With this innovative surgery, affected nerves can be released and the diseased spine returned to its normal position.

All this, in a minimally invasive way and with a faster recovery..

In which cases is this surgery necessary?

  • When there is compression of the spinal nerves due to degeneration of the discs and the spinal column that produce intense pain and prevent or hinder walking and movement.
  • Cases of spinal deformities such as degenerative scoliosis and kyphosis and fractures, especially in elderly patients.
Cirugía de columna innovadora

Benefits Percutaneous Surgery

Innovative technique performed by Dr. Burgos

With this innovative surgery, affected nerves can be released and the diseased spinal column can be returned to its normal position, all done in a minimally invasive manner with a faster recovery.

The recovery after this innovative surgery is much faster than with the traditional method, with hospital stays not exceeding two or three days even for elderly patients or those with other associated illnesses.

If you would like to learn more about Dr. Burgos's services, request an appointment, or ask specific questions.
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